First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
How did you hear about Kitty Chicks Rescue?
Which cat or kitten are you interested in? * Choose an animal: Ava Hailey Mouse Paxson Skylar Spike Tyson Winter
Why do you want to adopt?*
Do you currently have any cats?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, how many?
Have you had cats in the past?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, how long did they live?
Were they indoor or outdoor? *
Were they declawed? * Choose one: Yes No
Were they spay/neutered?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you currently have any dogs?* Choose one: Yes No
Are they cat friendly? Choose one: Yes No
Do you plan on declawing your cat? * Choose one: Yes No
Do you plan on keeping your cat indoors?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you 18 or older?* Choose one: Yes No
How many adults live in the household?*
How many children live in the household?*
Ages of children?
If over 18 are you a college student? Choose one: Yes No
If yes, are you living on or off campus?
Is anyone allergic to cats?* Choose one: Yes No
Where do you live? * Choose one: Apartment Condo House
Do you rent or own?*
If you rent does your landlord allow pets? Choose one: Yes No
Please provide 3-character references who know about your experience with pets. Please do not list immediate family or anyone living in the household adopting the pet. References can be extended family, friends, co-workers, etc.
Character Reference 1 – Name:*
Relationship to Applicant:*
Phone Number:*
Character Reference 2 – Name:*
Character Reference 3 – Name: *
Phone Number: *
Veterinary Name:
Vet Phone number:
**If this is your first pet and you have no vet established, you will be required to get one set up and have your pet seen within the first week or you will forfeit your adoption and the pet must be returned to us. We will follow-up with the chosen vet after your initial appointment**